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No Wetlands Present

No Wetlands?

Sometimes your project may be near a wetland that is shown on a map, or maybe a municipality wants to make sure you do not impact wetlands. In both cases, we can assist you and provide what you need to continue your project review.

For these type of projects, JHWetco will do a desktop review of aerials, soils, topography, and resource maps to assess the likelihood your project will be within a wetland - typically with you on the phone or zoom call. Then, these projects fall into two categories:

1. "Letter of No Impact" types - where we will take data points and delineate where the wetlands, if any, may be on your site and evaluate if you project will impact them. If your project stays out of wetlands, we can assist with obtaining a "Letter of No Impact" using your plans and our data.

2. "No Wetlands" - this category is for projects or properties where the wetland that was historically present might have been removed from a site, or wetlands are mis-mapped (this happens all the time), is not present on the site. In this case, we skip the big and costlier "Wetland Determination Report" and instead write a letter documenting site conditions do not contain wetlands. You will usually submit this to the Municipality for review. In rare cases, the municipality may request wetland review agency involvement, or request that you obtain a Letter of No Impact, but this is easier since no wetlands are present on your site.

Care to see what this letter report might look like from us?

Example site letter.

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